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James Guetti (1937-2007)

Rupert Read reports.

I regret to inform readers of the death of James Guetti, philosophical lettrist, at his home, on January 11th 2007.

Guetti, a philosophically-minded literary critic of the highest order, was born November 5th 1937 in Medford, Mass. He graduated from Amherst College in 1959, then taught one year at Taft School and 36 years at Rutgers University, from which he retired in 2000. His main publications include a novel, Action (1971); his chief aesthetical works Word-Music (1980) and Wittgenstein and The Grammar of Literary Experience (1993), and major articles in journals such as Raritan and Philosophical Forum.

Guetti was always finely attuned to the sounds of literary language and the subtleties of the text.