
General Articles

The Golden State Killer & Deleuze’s ‘Dividual’

Angela Dennis computes the use and abuse of digital data.
[Issue 149: April/May 2022]

The Goodness of Existence

Jarlath Cox says whether life brings pleasure or pain, the value of being born is the ability to experience at all.
[Issue 149: April/May 2022]

What Is Truth?

Richard Oxenberg on the need for an old paradigm, especially in ethics.
[Issue 149: April/May 2022]

Paradox Lost

Paul Tissier argues that Russell’s Paradox isn’t really a paradox.
[Issue 149: April/May 2022]

What is a Person?

Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the entrants not included.
[Issue 149: April/May 2022]

Diogenes the Cynic (c.404-323 BC)

Martin Jenkins recalls what we know for sure about the philosopher in the barrel.
[Issue 149: April/May 2022]

Demons of the Self

Tristen Taylor finds problems in meaningfully defining ‘evil’.
[Issue 148: February/March 2022]

Pascal’s Climate Wager

Keith Tidman considers the smart bet for our future.
[Issue 148: February/March 2022]

Men of Steel: Superman vs Übermensch

Roy Schwartz examines whether the world’s first superhero really was inspired by Nietzsche’s ‘superior man’, and what the Nazis have to do with it.
[Issue 148: February/March 2022]

Should Kant Be Canceled?

Mark Couch wonders where we should draw the line with historical thinkers.
[Issue 148: February/March 2022]

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