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Tag: "conferences"

Russell Revels Rock Rochester

[Issue 116: October/November 2016: Conference]

Censorship & Rebellion

A recent international philosophy conference in Istanbul was unusual in being entirely for high school students. Four British students report on a cross-cultural meeting of young minds debating very topical matters.
[Issue 83: March/April 2011: Articles]

Philosophy, Science, And Everything In Between

Massimo Pigliucci at the 2006 Philosophy of Science meeting in Vancouver.
[Issue 59: January/February 2007: Science Connections]

Sociological Reflections on Contemporary Moscow

Tim Delaney shares some observations from his trip to Moscow for the 4th Congress of Philosophy.
[Issue 54: February/March 2006: Philosophy in Russia]

The Fourth Russian Philosophy Congress

So what are the problems that interest Russian thinkers today? Anna Kostikova and Elena Kosilova answer this question with a roundup of the topics discussed at the biggest gathering of Russian philosophers in history.
[Issue 54: February/March 2006: Philosophy in Russia]

An American in Moscow

Tim Madigan reports from the 4th Russian Congress of Philosophy.
[Issue 54: February/March 2006: Philosophy in Russia]

Top Marx?

Karen Adler reports on the ‘Return(s) to Marx’ conference at the Tate Modern in London.
[Issue 37: August/September 2002: Articles]

At the Festival of Philosophy

Over the last 150 years the commanding heights of philosophy have been captured by paid, university-based academics. A feature of this shift has been the growth of conferences – hundreds take place each year, tiny ones and vast ones, some devoted to narrow topics such as the Early Wittgenstein and others covering the whole range of human thought. Opinions are divided about conferences, with some seeing them as a substitute for actually doing philosophy and others regarding them as essential to the exchange of ideas which can spark genuinely creative work. Here we present two very different views of two very different conferences.
[Issue 28: August/September 2000: Articles]

Field Being

Rick Lewis was at the 3rd Symposium on Field Being and the Non-Substantialistic Turn, August 12-17 1999.
[Issue 25: Winter 1999/2000: Report]

Report from Sarajevo

Dane R. Gordon reports from the Bosnian Paradigm Conference, November 18-20 1998.
[Issue 23: Spring 1999: Report]

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