
Reviews: Films


Terri Murray watches the disappearance of reality into images, in the name of news.
[Issue 133: August/September 2019]

Philosopher at a Film Festival

Thomas E. Wartenberg reports from the 22nd Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival.
[Issue 132: June/July 2019]


Christopher Carroll asks if communicating with aliens really would be possible.
[Issue 131: April/May 2019]

Santa Claus: The Movie

Chris Vaughan says “Bah humbug” to consumer society.
[Issue 129: December 2018 / January 2019]

Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein

David White takes a long strange trip with Jerry Garcia to watch Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein.
[Issue 128: October/November 2018]


Matt Qvortrup contemplates the fleeting nature of truth through Akira Kurosawa’s masterpiece.
[Issue 127: August/September 2018]

L’Avenir (Things to Come)

Terri Murray takes in a subtle critique of academic philosophy’s anemic inertia.
[Issue 126: June/July 2018]

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Jason Eberl and Kevin Decker philosophize among the stars. WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS
[Issue 125: April/May 2018]

Alien: Covenant

Stefan Bolea talks of madness, antihumanism, and the arrival of the new gods.
[Issue 124: February/March 2018]

The Big Lebowski

Matt Qvortrup contemplates Dude philosophy.
[Issue 123: December 2017 / January 2018]

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