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Who am I?

by Jenny Maryl

I am not one, but have come to be,
Different in different places.
And who you may think you know as me,
Is just one of my many faces.

Each person sees a different view,
That only exists when they are near.
And the person that I know as you,
Will only exist when you are here.

So who am I? I do not know,
So many wholes make up the part.
Even to me, I do not know,
What truly lies within my heart.

It’s a search without an end,
An answer that may never be.
So be patient with me, my friend,
For I too, am new to me.

© Jenny Maryl 2020

Jenny Maryl writes poetry across a wide range of topics. Her website jennymaryl.uk contains a wide selection of poems, as well as her poetry blogs. The mysteries of our universe have been a lifetime interest, as well as cats.