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by Mark Daniels

This issue is a tad different from previous incarnations. First, we’ve chucked the old editor (he claimed he took a holiday). Second, to celebrate, we’ve given over a third of the magazine to an Ethics special. It contains its very own introduction, several articles and sundry other bits and bobs. Enough, we hope, to give an unknowing reader a worthwhile introduction into the mysteries of morality! When you’ve read it you’ll be able to work out whether sacking Richard was ethical or not or wot!

Philosophy Now is now Five Years Old! It seems rather incredible that Rick has staggered on so long. He started at University - one of those drab dreary technical ones with thousands of red bricks - where a group of us decided to set up a philosophy society. This sad decision seems to have affected his grey matter since many years later he resigned from the British Telecom labs, where he did gruesome things with optical fibres, to do even worse things to paper in an attempt to popularise philosophy.

Philosophy Now has gone from strength to strength, trying to fulfil Rick’s dreams of bringing a love of wisdom (philosophy perchance?) to the great British public, battling the demons of Menzies and WH Smith in his attempts to do so. His magazine now sells in Aberdeen & Athens, Newtonards & New York.

But enough of History (History is Philosophy teaching by examples: Viscount Bolingbroke; History is bunk: Henry Ford). This glorious issue of our magnificent magazine hopes, in addition to matters moral, to provide a brief introduction to several areas of philosophy for the uninitiated - explore the conundra of space and time with Michael Bulley, the impact of the sociology of science on the philosophy of science with Michael Fuller and the philosophy of love with Michael Harding. If you wish a break from our multifarious Michaels then Brendan Larvor provides an intriguing insight into the assumptions of economic rationality in his review of Hutton’s book on the British economy.

In any event, now that you’ve joined us, Enjoy!!